
信息来源:院办     作者:谭玉莲     发布时间:2008-12-05     点击:0





联 合 公 报 



一、          高度评价了本届论坛的意义和所取得的积极成果,一致认为论坛的举办是非常成功的。论坛作为中国-东盟博览会的重要组成部分,是中国与东盟国家首次在医疗卫生领域召开的专门论坛,为中国与东盟各国政府决策、学术机构和产业界交流提供重要平台,初步为中国和东盟国家开展在口腔医学领域的合作创造了必要前提,对倡导和推动中国与东盟国家间区域合作和共同发展发挥着重要的作用。

二、          选定广西南宁作为论坛的永久举办地,并在广西医科大学口腔医学院正式设立论坛秘书处,作为论坛的常设机构;东盟各国各选派一名负责人作为秘书处成员,负责论坛的联络、沟通、组织及日常事务的处理工作。

三、          确认在正常情况下,论坛每两年举办一次。

四、          强调论坛今后将发展成为中国与东盟国家之间的一座桥梁,在口腔医学教育、人员培训以及政策措施制定等方面,为政府间合作以及学术机构等所开展的各种合作提供一个综合性交换意见的平台,在更加协调、更加有效地促进中国与东盟政府、学术界、产业界以及多部门、多层次间在口腔医学乃至卫生医疗领域的交流与对话发挥重要作用。




November 8, 2008


China-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry 2008



The China-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry 2008 was held in Nanning, Guangxi, China from November 8 to 9, 2008, sponsored by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, organized by College of Stomatology of Guangxi Medical University in cooperation with Chinese Stomatological Association, Dental Associations of ASEAN countries, the Department of Health the Department of Education of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Guangxi Medical University.

Leaders, scholars, experts from ASEAN countries andChina attended the forum extended great support to the forum, shared their perspectives, experiences, updates strategies for the development cooperation of dentistry, reached a general consensus as follow:

1. The first China-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry is a successful well-organized event. It achieved the expected results.

2. TheChina-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry as a part of China-ASEAN Expo has a great significance on promoting regional cooperation common development between ASEAN countries andChina.

       3. China-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry selectedNanning, Guangxi as the permanent venue set up Secretariat of China-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry as a long standing institution in theCollegeofStomatologyofGuangxiMedicalUniversity.

       4. China-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry should be held in every two years in general cases.

       5. China-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry should provide a platform for gathering, communication, cooperation, education, governmental policies guidance, finally personnel training between ASEAN countries andChina.

       The statement was announced on November 8,2008 inNanning, Guangxi, P. R. China.