
信息来源:院办     作者:院办     发布时间:2009-01-08     点击:0



过去的2008年是不平凡的一年, 是我院建设发展成绩斐然的一年。在全院师生员工的共同努力下,学院各项事业快速发展,呈现出了蓬勃向上的良好局面。一年来,全院上下齐心协力、同心同德,有效地开展迎接教育部本科教学工作水平评估的各项准备工作,顺利通过了教育部本科教学工作水平评估,并以此为契机,加强教学改革和教学管理教学、科研成果显著,我院口腔医学专业获国家教育部、财政部批准成为第三批高等学校特色专业建设点;对外交流工作取得新的突破,由我院承办的首届中国-东盟国际口腔医学交流与合作论坛取得圆满成功,与东盟各国建立起了友好合作关系;广西医科大学东盟国际口腔医学院获自治区发展与改革委员会批复同意立项建设,绘就了一幅口腔医学院腾飞的宏伟蓝图。









New Year Speech

Dear teachers, students friends,

As the clock counts down the few remaining hours to the Year 2009, on behalf of the Party Committee Administrative Council of Guangxi Medical University College of Stomatology, I would like to extend my cordial greetings best wishes to all of you, as well as all our retired colleagues alumni. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude respect to leaders at all levels, to friends of all fields who have been supporting caring for the College.

2008 was a year of great achievements for the College. In this year, with great concern strong support from all levels of society, relying on the spirit of solidarity hard work of our faculty staff members students, the College achieved a sound rapid development in all its undertakings. In 2008, the College fulfilled the goal of taking the National Evaluation of undergraduate Education won a good result with the proper preparation. The stomatological discipline was recognized as one of the third batch of the National Characteristic Construction Specialties at Colleges Universities. During this year, the College has also achieved great success in terms of scientific technological research. International exchange cooperation opened up a new prospect. The College has established academic relations with more schools institutions abroad. The successful convening of the China-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry 2008 has greatly raised the College’s reputation influence. The construction of Guangxi Medical University ASEAN International College of Stomatology was approved by Guangxi Development Reform Commission, mapping out the grblueprint for accelerating the development of the College.

The year 2008 also marked the 30th anniversary of the College’s establishment. The anniversary celebration achieved an extraordinary success. It was a grevent of greeting friends from home abroad, reminiscing about “how it used to be” celebrating our achievements.

In a nutshell, 2008 is a year well worth remembering treasuring by everyone at the College. We can all pride ourselves on the efforts we made the achievements we accomplished during the past year. 2009 will be a year filled with opportunities as well as challenges. It is a year for us to keep striving to meet important goals. We will continue to pursue bold, new challenges spare no effort in stepping up the all round development of the College.

Finally, may the year 2009 bring you joy, love, peace health. Thank you!


Prof. Zhou Nuo, DDS, FICD


College ofStomatology

Guangxi MedicalUniversity